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About Us

Brenda Baird has been specialising in the field of Dyslexia since 2001.  Brenda trained in San Francisco and worked with Dyslexics in Canada before migrating to Australia in 2002

In 2001, Brenda established her own company specialising in helping Dyslexics, and raising awareness through seminars which she has conducted across Australia and internationally. 

In 2009, in recognition of her work and expertise in the field of Dyslexia, Brenda was invited by the then Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Services, Bill Shorten, to the National Forum on Dyslexia.  It was through her participation in the Forum that Brenda identified a need for an association that supports equity and equality in investing in research and trial projects into non-phonics based solutions for Dyslexics.  From this, Brenda, along with a group of professionals and fellow Dyslexics,  formally incorporated The Dyslexia Association in 2010.

In 2018-19 Brenda, as a representative of The Dyslexia Association, was invited by Education Queensland to participate in their year long roundtable discussions on Dyslexia.

Lost for Word

By Brenda Baird​
Book Review

Dear Brenda,
I have just finished reading your book and wanted to say a huge THANKYOU !

I felt just about every pain and struggle as I read the book…..my
daughter kept bringing me tissues!!

The secret to two of my children’s learning struggles have now been
discovered. I am relieved and frustrated at the same time! Relieved at
the awareness of their dyslexic gifts and frustrated at the journey of
getting to this point.

I’m looking forward to the upcoming assessment. You see I am a
teacher as well…..so I am sooooo excited to be able to help others
and share the knowledge wide and far.

Sincere thanks
Leonie Saunders

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“Lost For Words”

By Brenda Baird

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